Friday, August 19, 2011

OC Foodie Fest - Aug. 27, 2011!

The OC Foodie Fest was started last year, and apparently it was a HUGE success. Tons of different food trucks, vendors, & restaurants showcased their awesome awesomeness in the parking lot of Angel Stadium in Anaheim. I missed it because I didn't plan ahead. =*(


I planned ahead, requested the day off, AND got my ticket early (EARLY ENTRY FTW). Plus I'm going with my friend, so I won't act like a photographic glutton alone. xP

Don't worry... pictures WILL be taken. I'm actually considering renting a lens from Borrow Lenses, so we'll see how those delicious photos will come out. I will be posting them on my Flickr, so you guys (hopefully more than ONE of you? hehe) will be able to see them.

That's it from me.

Thanks for reading & keep on eating y'all! ^__^;;

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Flickr Groups

Thanks to my friend (Nick ... aka. KAMI Photography), I learned that I could put my pictures in specialized groups so more people would be able to view them!

I mean it makes sense, but for some reason I couldn't put 2 & 2 together.

Anyway, I have begun joining food photography related groups & I have started adding my pictures to those groups. Hopefully this way more people will be able to see my pictures.

Have YOU seen my pictures yet?

Iron Chef Joce's Food Photography

Check em out when you can, and leave comments. I am a willing learner, hoping to always learn from as many sources as I can gather.

Thanks & keep on eating y'all! ^__^;;