It's your friendly neighborhood Foodie Joce here. Back in the day, I attempted to have a blog on a different site which was strictly for reviewing different restaurants I had eaten at.
I found that it became too boring, and uninformative. So, I've decided to abandon that old blog and start anew here! :)
This blog will not only feature restaurant reviews, but it'll feature anything cool, culinary-wise, that I think people should know.
I'll post up my opinions on different food trends, chain restaurants, along with recipes if I have time, and other ... stuff. :) Because culinary stuff is cool.
Stay tuned everybody ... and remember ... KEEP EATING!!! :-D
Oh yeah! I'm bringing my restaurant review "method" back from my other site... I basically copied and pasted this, so I wouldn't have to type it up again hehe. Enjoy!
There are 6 different categories that I will be grading: location, parking, ambiance, cleanliness, service, and of course quality of food. Each will be graded by a scale of 1 to 10 Jocey Faces, 1 being the worst, and 10 being the best.
The overall grade of the restaurant will be based on the average of all the previous scores.
So for example Restaurant A gets these scores:
Location - 5
Parking - 7.5
Ambiance - 6
Cleanliness - 8
Service - 4
Quality Of Food - 5.5
Total - 5 + 7.5 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 5.5 = 36
Overall score - 36/6 = 6 Jocey Faces.
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